EOS TPU 1301 - Thermoplastic Elastomer

Article Number: 200001027

Extremely hydrolysis-resistant, with high resilience and good tribological properties.

Suitable for EOS P 396, EOS P 770 and FORMIGA P 110 Velocis

Material Datasheet

Safety Data Sheets can be found on myEOS


The parts made from this white material are extremely hydrolysis-resistant, with high resilience and good tribological properties. The degree of flexibility can be influenced by the part design and the choice of process parameters and can even be varied within the same part.  

Image of part: Colored part made of EOS TPU 1301

Typical mechanical properties in xy print direction
Tensile modulus: 60 MPa
Tensile strength: 7 MPa
Strain at break: 250%

Thermal properties
Melting temperature (20°C/min): 138°C

Physical properties
Density (lasersintered): 1100 kg/m³

Footwear & lifestyle parts that demand elastomeric properties, e. g. handles, shoe soles
Automotive & industry parts, e.g. tubes, bellows, seals, gaskets
Protective sports gear, e.g. helmet cushioning
Applications usually made from foam can be replaced by lattice structures in EOS TPU 1301.

The data corresponds to our knowledge and experience at the time of publication. They do not on their own represent a sufficient basis for any design, neither do they provide any agreement about or guarantee the specific properties of a product or part or the suitability of a product or part for a specific application. It is the responsibility of the producer or customer of a part to check its properties as well as its suitability for a particular purpose. This also applies regarding the consideration of possible intellectual property rights as well as laws and regulations. The data are subject to change without notice as part of EOS's continuous development and improvement processes.

Material Datasheet

Safety Data Sheets can be found on myEOS

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