EOS StainlessSteel SuperDuplex

Article Number: 9030-0009

Suitable for
EOS M 290 @ 40 & 80 µm

Excellent resistance to uniform, pitting and crevice corrosion
High strength together with high corrosion resistance

Material Datasheet

Safety Data Sheets can be found on myEOS


This material is an austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel optimized for additive manufacturing while maintaining super duplex properties. Its high chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen alloying give excellent corrosion resistance in many difficult environments.

Ultimate Tensile Strength 860 MPa
Yield Strength 560 MPa
Elongation @ Break 34 %

Oil and gas industry
Pulp and paper manufacturing devices
Mining and off-shore equipment

Material Datasheet

Safety Data Sheets can be found on myEOS

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