Discover what the Additive Minds Academy from EOS has to offer
Interested in AM Training, But Not Sure Where To Start?
Our pre-assessments help you choose the best path so you engage with the appropriate learning track. This also ties in perfectly with your onboarding process to ensure each team member acquires the knowledge they need in the shortest possible time.
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5000 Learners and Counting!

“Recently we successfully utilized the Additive Minds Academy online training to implement the high energy downskin method of support free printing. This course has provided reductions in post processing required and was able to reduce the supported area on a part by 40%. I’m very happy with the outcome of the training and am looking forward to see what the training team at EOS develops in the future.”
- Matthew Parker, Director of Engineering Services at Morf3D

"The Additive Minds Academy has enriched my expertise in Laser Powder Bed Fusion printing through detailed and thorough curriculum, enabling me to offer enhanced support and consultation to our manufacturing clients."
- Jared Berg, Applications Engineer at Advanced Manufacturing Solutions

"With this knowledge of job optimisation, I can now support customers in solving problems and tackling projects in a more targeted and efficient way."
- Constanza Oszwald, Dyemansion Specialist

"Learning with digital products of AM Academy really boosted my subject matter expertise."
- Paula Clares, Penn State University

"The Learning Path AM Application Engineering Metal greatly expanded my knowledge in additive manufacturing. At first, I thought I wouldn't learn much new because I already knew a lot, but I was quickly proven wrong."
- Cemil CanI, STOS GmbH - A member of DMG MORI