EOS NickelAlloy IN718

Article Number: 9011-0020

Suitable for
EOS M 290 @ 20, 40 & 80 µm,
EOS M 290 1kW,
EOS M 290-2 @ 40 µm,
EOS M 290-2 @ @ 40 & 80 µm HiPro,
EOS M 400 @ 40 µm,
EOS M 300-4 @ 40 & 80 µm,
EOS M 400-4 @ 40 & 80 µm

High tensile, fatigue, creep and rupture strength at temperatures unto 700 °C

Also available in 500 kg Big Bag packaging

Pack Size: 10 kg
Sale price€802,30

Please Note: We currently only sell to businesses, not individual consumers.


EOS NickelAlloy IN718 is a precipitation-hardening nickel-chromium alloy that is characterized by having good tensile, fatigue, creep and rupture strength at temperatures up to 700 °C (1.290 °F). Parts built from EOS NickelAlloy IN718 can be easily post-hardened by precipitation- hardening heat treatments. In both as-built and age-hardened states the parts can be machined, spark eroded, welded, micro shot-peened, polished and coated if required.  The material is ideal for many high temperature applications such as gas turbine parts, instrumentation parts, power and process industry parts etc. It also has excellent potential for cryogenic applications. Due to the layerwise building method, the parts have certain anisotropy.

Learn more about EOS Metal Solutions


*Part design by Ariane Group Injector Head Component, made of EOS NickelAlloy 718

Typical Part Properties

Typical Applications

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